Enjoy the Flow, Savour Every Moment with SUHO

What makes a good night out? For SUHO, it’s enjoying responsibly. “Savour Every Moment” is a reminder to all of us that when we drink alcohol, we should pace ourselves, stay in control and adopt moderation practices so that we can enjoy and savour every occasion.

Listen to my song, let’s take it easy

Hey everyone!

This is SUHO, an ambassador for Diageo's DRINKiQ campaign. When I heard of this campaign, I was quite excited to collaborate with Diageo to spread the word on how important it is to stay in control when drinking alcohol through my song.

Of course, I sometimes drink as well, but I really believe it’s important to keep to my limit.

Good habits like drinking slowly, pacing myself with water and eating food are just some ways to ensure I have a quality time with friends and family.

Thanks for all your support as always, and I hope this song reminds you to savour every moment, and never lose yourself.

xoxo, SUHO

Stick to your limit

Diageo partnered with SUHO to promote responsible drinking in an innovative way – through a specially-recorded brand new song. SUHO, as the leader of EXO and with water as his superpower in EXO’s universe, seeks to raise awareness on the importance of moderation and staying in control.

There are many ways to pace. Take it slow by drinking water, enjoying good food – or switch things up and go for a non-alcoholic cocktail for a change! Find your favourite way to keep your head clear and enjoy nights you can remember.

Savour every moment

The song, titled "Savour Every Moment", blends familiar sounds from a bar like ice clinking and water pouring into a glass and creates a track with multiple layers. The lyrics reminds us to take it slow and savour every moment. Try to enjoy the layers of sounds in the music whilst slowly sipping your favourite drink. Check out the secrets to our blends in the behind-the-scenes video!